forage ~ iris leaves


Forage ~ Iris Leaves
These beauties may be over-looked beside the resplendence of their flowers, and yet they are wonders in and off themselves, filling the edges around Trout Lake in the early Summer with a sea of green blades! Young children love to secretly tunnel among their tall passages as if in a jungle. Once you begin to ‘break the wall of green’, how can you ever go back? Shapes of leaves jump out at you everywhere speaking of signs, edges, food or beauty!
Forage is a way of using what you’ve got, it’s a kind of deep noticing, of gathering, of gratitude for nature’s bounty.
I use my camera’s eye to gather signs, gifts, fruits and seeds, birds and bees, mostly the wonderful, sometimes startling, always deeply inspiring creative gestures of nature.
These images can stand alone, or they can document an adventure, tell a story of place, or belonging, of food or medicine.
Even more so, though for me, they can become an inner tracking.
After a photo forage wonder, I look carefully in my ‘basket of images’. What treasures or signs are hidden there? What song have I caught of the deep impulse of my wander? Can I use the symbols in these images that speak to me to create an intentional gesture of meaning and purpose?
Like reading the stars, listening to birds, or tracking a wild creature, my intuitive deeply creative impulse has a story for me.
What is it?
If you’d like to know more, go on a photo forage wander with me, or participate in Forage Photography Workshop, please contact me here at Apple Star Photo, or email at
#trackthewildswithin #irises #irisleaves #green #breakthewallofgreen #makebeautymedicine